Advertise with ANEW
ANEW’s Featured Advertisers showcase a serious commitment to the advancement of women in business through their financial support to ANEW. The cost is $400 for a monthly spot, and as a sponsor you receive the following benefits:
- Event speaking opportunity: 5-minute presentation during the monthly ANEW meeting
- Acknowledgement in ANEW’s monthly eNewsletter
- Business ad will appear on ANEW’s website for the specified month
- Business ad will appear in ANEW’s presentation at the monthly meeting
- May distribute brochures/flyers/items at each attendee’s seat prior to meeting
- Ad Details: Ad can be black and white or color, jpg format (350 x 500 pixels)
ANEW’s Monthly Advertisers provide resources for career information and professional development through their financial support to ANEW. The cost is $200 for a monthly spot, and as a sponsor you receive the following benefits:
- Business ad will appear in the monthly eNewsletter
- Business ad will appear in ANEW’s presentation at the monthly meeting
- May distribute brochures/flyers/items at each attendee’s seat prior to meeting
- Ad Details: Ad can be black and white or color, jpg format (350 x 200 pixels)
ANEW’s Special Event Underwriters in October and December are the ultimate advocates for women’s success in the community through their financial support to ANEW. The cost is $600 to underwrite ANEW’s October Annual Meeting or December’s Holiday Bazaar. As a sponsor you receive the following benefits:
- Focused brand visibility – no other sponsors will be recognized at the event
- Event speaking opportunity: 10-minute presentation during the monthly ANEW event/meeting
- One (1) FREE guest ticket to the event/meeting, includes your guest’s meal option
- Acknowledgement in ANEW’s monthly eNewsletter
- Business ad appears on ANEW’s website for the specified month
- Business ad appears in ANEW’s presentation during the event
- May distribute brochures/flyers/items at each attendee’s seat prior to meeting
- Ad Details: Ad can be black and white or color, jpg format (350 x 500 pixels)
ANEW’s Door Prize Sponsors help celebrate growth in ANEW by offering a monthly prize to a lucky individual who brings a new guest to our meeting. Door Prizes must be a minimum of $100 in value and the sponsor will be acknowledged during the monthly meeting.